Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Camera bleg

Sorry for the lack of blogging here of late. I shall return shortly with something of more substance, but, for the moment, I want to pose a question.

With baby arriving in a few months, I am pondering investing in a new camera. I was an SLR person when young and have been a crap-little-digital-camera person for the last few years. I've noticed that the DSLRs are coming down in price as are the HD camcorders. I'm guessing that we'll be taking lots of pictures and videos of baby after she arrives.

So I guess the question is, Do I want a DSLR that takes decent movies or a camcorder that takes decent still pics?

Any thoughts from the photographers/people with children/gadget geeks in the audience?

Posted by jwb at 1:22 PM   


Anonymous Anonymous said:

While it seems appealing in theory, videos of babies are incredibly boring, especially newborns. Save the quality videocam for school/sports performances...

That is all. Andy
at 5:38 AM     

Blogger Susan, Carson, Ginger, and Fischer said:

That's harsh, Andy!

Here is my take on the subject, John...I really want to get a DSLR, because the little point and shoot digital that we have is just not quick enough to catch some of Ginger's finer moments! And the flash (which is necessary given the slowness) makes some shots unnatural looking. Now, we do have an HD camcorder which takes great, crisp stills...BUT it is too big to take everywhere. So, I now think the optimal combo is a DSLR and little Flip camcorder. And, of course, you will still have your little digi if you need something super small. And then, by the time Baby Barry reaches the age of school/sports performances (per Andy's advice), you can buy the latest and greatest video camera if the Flip is not enough for you.
at 6:34 AM     

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