Tuesday, July 01, 2008

We are getting off track here

Are we in the midst of the summer doldrums? We think so, though, to tell you the truth, we are not sure what doldrums are, so we may be wrong or premature. However, today seems like the tenth day in a row in which my weather station is showing a picture of a cloud with a scary looking lightning bolt and some raindrops. From that we surmise that the weather will be changing every ten minutes all day long and there will be a ferocious thunderstorm this afternoon followed by a lovely evening during which I will not be able to mow the lawn because it is soaking wet. On the bright side, I cannot remember the last time I watered the garden.

Moving on, a somewhat dubious Bram sent us a link to the teaser trailer for the forthcoming Bond movie, "Quantum of Solace." Mark Graham (nee Uncle Grambo) is also underwhelmed. Ever the optimist, I think it looks like it could be pretty cool. Matthew Amalric was pretty incroyable in "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"--a much different kind of movie, obvs.--and I have high hopes for him as one of the better villains. The M-not-trusting-Bond business has perhaps gotten a little past its expiration date, though we shall see.

Speaking of movies, we watched "Semi-Pro" on Sunday evening. I thought it was probably the funniest Ferrell movie in some time, perhaps since the much-adored-in-these-parts "Anchorman", and certainly much better than the auto-racing movie and the ice-skating movie.

I don't suppose I should be surprised by this, but apparently gardening in New England is much different from gardening in New Mexico. Or at least I have not learned the cover-the-entire-garden-with-hay technique yet. Though they haven't produced any fruit just yet, my tomato plants are looking pretty bad ass. I'll try to post a pic when I can. We also had a pretty good strawberry harvest this year, though this had more to do with the fact that we shortened Buzzy's leash and he could no longer reach into the strawberry patch. (He thought it was a buffet.) Alas, the season is about at an end, but we've had delicious strawberries for several weeks now.

Speaking of Buzzy, I posted some old videos (and one recent one) on our Flickr page, which you can find here.

UPDATE: Oh, and a happy Canada Day to our Canadian readers. How does one celebrate Canada Day?

Posted by jwb at 6:37 AM   


Blogger monica said:

We keep reminding folks that, gardening-season-wise, we're more like New England than Arizona. We just have less water.

Also, Ruth Stout is from Connecticut.
at 8:01 PM     

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