Friday, April 25, 2008

Its not just his gnocchi that were dense

Welcome back to Nonsequitur Theatre.

Don't I feel like dork. It seems that I am the last guy on the block to have read Kavalier and Clay. To add further to my humiliation, unlike Raphy and Bram, my copy is not signed. (However, I do have a signed copy of DeLillo's "Underworld". Jealous?) I'll second Bram's comment: "Still one of the best books I've read in the past decade. And with much broader appeal than for just those with an unhealthy comic book habit." Yes indeedy.

Raphy admits in public to having watched Idol the last two weeks--with, it seems, equal parts enjoyment and horror. Relatedly, the Times reports this morning that Carly may have unwittingly offended millions of God-fearing Christians with her song choice, which reminds us, I think, that the controversies of the past were just as tedious as our own.

I noticed, in a comment several posts back, that Susan, Carson, and Ginger have requested some Top Chef blogging. I am happy to comply. I am slightly surprised that young Ginger is allowed to watch. The language on that show is just appalling. She's going to think that it's a normal part of human verbal interaction to have every third word bleeped out.

Anyway, we watched the last two episodes in a row last night and they were pretty entertaining. A few thoughts:

First, though he was, I concede, very annoying, I think I'm going to miss Ryan. I don't think there's a less self-aware person alive on the planet at the moment. I mean, it's 2008 and he's still using the phrase "metrosexual," and without even a hint of irony. (He's on the receiving end of some very funny abuse on Amuse-Biatch, the only interesting Top Chef blog I have found.)

The Jennifer/Zoi drama was kind of boring and I am not upset that Jennifer is gone. (The "I will avenge Zoi" plotline was kind of pathetic.) Plus, Stephanie has been in the top group a bunch of times and they couldn't bounce her. That said, however, I thought the "where's the polish sausage" scandal was a bigger culinary misdemeanor than the "there's more cheese than asparagus on my plate" scandal.

I am amazed that Nikki is still around. She seems to be in a constant state of mystification about what the show is about. (I too have bought pre-made sausages from Whole Foods. Perhaps I should embarrass myself on TV too.) I think her secret is that consistent mediocrity will serve you better, for a while, than excellence with an occasional, spectacular flameout.

It seems pretty clear at the moment that Dale and Richard will be in the top group, along with Stephanie and a contestant to be named later. I suspect Richard will win, unless they start docking him points for being a pompous twit (or for stealing Tintin's hairdo).

In some ways the most interesting thing about the show is all the sexual intrigue. However, I am hesitant to blog about it, lest I violate my main principle of blogging, which is to not write about things that I might be embarrassed about later in life. However, if you wish to read about such things, Amuse-Biatch is very funny.

Have I missed anything? I should note that my favorite part of the Top Chef website is the What is Padma Wearing page. (On the other hand, her blog sucks.) Also, I'm unclear about whether we are supposed to think that Tom is a prick or not.

Posted by jwb at 11:00 AM   


Blogger Susan, Carson, Ginger, and Fischer said:

This is the first time I am commenting at length, so please let me know if I break any blogging etiquette rules. You are right to be surprised about Ginger and the show- we actually just summarize the key points for her using baby sign language and clean, simple language.

I was really sick of the whole Jennifer avenging Zoi's honor thing, but I think they kicked out the wrong person!! Lisa, of the sausage team, is so annoying and arrogant and constantly complains and she is not that talented. Carson and I HATE her. And- how can you compare a crappy asparagus dish to a dish that doesn't even follow the direction of the challenge (a point that you make as well). That would be like me cooking a delicious tofu dog in a steak challenge. It could be the best tofu dog ever, but it ain't steak. We, too, assume Nikki's days are numbered. The only reason I like having her around is she makes us feel like it wouldn't be absolutely ridiculous to make boxed macaroni and cheese with fresh peas for a challenge. We also agree with your picks for top 3. Carson noted that this will be the first season where he will find the winner likable. (I guess he likes pompous twits!)

I am not sure what we are supposed to think of Tom, but he seems to win most of the text message polls they take that center around sexiness, likability, etc. I do like him...I guess in the same way that I like Simon Cowell. (Carson likes pompous twits, I like pricks!)

The only thing you missed is the fact that Padma's pants size seems to have increased a bit since last season. I know the camera adds pounds, but she looks like crap in that little bit with the knife juggling in that green dress! You agree? I still think her face is beautiful!
at 4:55 PM     

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