Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Three sheets in the pan

Any McCainiacs out there? (Marty: I'm assuming you don't count, being a foreigner and all.) You'll be pleased to know that Heidi Montag is one of you. You must be very proud.

Regarding John Adams, in lieu of my own commentary, I shall point you to a moderately interesting discussion at The New Republic. I say "moderately interesting" because J.P. Diggins (an actual card-carrying historian) is pretty great and the other two (including one of the producers) are rather dull. I would be remiss in not also mentioning that it was nice to see the fetching Sarah Polley as JA's daughter, Nabby. Sarah, I believe, is Canadian. Nice work, Canada.

This here is a moderately interesting item from BoingBoing about several much-used idioms that, it turns out, come from "technology". How about that!

Posted by jwb at 6:54 AM   


Blogger Marty said:

I've been a big 'McCainiac' ever since I heard him deliver a keynote speech at the Republican national convention, way back in 1992. So much so, in fact, that I thought he should have been the Republican candidate for President in 2000. He would have won hands down. What better world might have resulted?!

I don't have much knowledge of (or even a strong attraction to) Heidei Montag - which is why I was totally unaware that she's Canadian. Nevertheless, it is heartening to know that Canada is continuing its tradition of adding to the Hollywood hot babe pool, the original contribution being:

Sarah Polley, on the other hand, is definitely a thinking man's babe AND a Canadian. Did you catch the much lauded art-house flick she recently directed, 'Away From Her', starring Gordon Pinsett and Julie Cristie (the hottest woman over 60 I think I've ever known)?:
You'll probably think it a bit of a snore, John, I know, but still... irrefutable proof that Polley could probably hold her own in a conversation. Plus, she's a hot babe in her own right:
Heck, she's even been know to do the occasional nude scene:

Speaking of Canadian intellectuals, John, I thought you might enjoy this recently published interview with our mutual philosophical mentor, Dr. Lampert:

And finally, a funny video I stumbled upon on the net the other week, while trying to find Fitna:
at 8:05 AM     

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