Thursday, March 20, 2008

Do you know how lucky you are?

Didja watch Idol on Tuesday night? It was pretty brutal. I'm still unclear about whether the problem was that it's harder to do justice to the Beatles than it looks or that they all suck. For the moment, I'm leaning toward the former. Also, Simon and Randy are kind of annoying on this point, but it ought to be plenty clear to everyone how crucial choosing good songs is. Also also, in my opinion, turning Beatles' songs into country songs is a really bad--and I mean a really, really bad--idea.

I hope I won't say something mean about your favorite contestants, but here is what I'm thinking in the wake of this weeks fiasco:

I was beginning to really hate Amanda--to the point where I had to go upstairs and pretend I was looking for something while she was on--so I'm happy that she is gone. Goodbye, good riddance, don't let the door hit you on the way out, don't pass go, don't collect $100, etc.

Kristy is really cute, but I fear that she is doomed.

I agree with Ken Levine (whose Idol roundups, btw, are pretty hilarious--much funnier that anything you'll find here, much as we try) that there is something "unsettling" about David. (Levine comments: "It’s always the nice, sweet, perfect boys who get caught wearing their mothers’ clothes.")

Michael Johns is one of my favorites, but I agree with Simon that the "Day in the Life" medley was a horror-show.

I'm having a hard time deciding what to think about Brooke, though I'm leaning toward something along the lines of, "Meh."

I like grunge (or, as we now call it, emo) as much as the next guy, but David Cook has got to go. The Lionel Richie joint was pretty cool, but the last couple of weeks it wasn't working for me, dawg. (Sorry.)

Carly's tattoo fetish is kind of weird. (Levine comments that her "7" refers to Jason's IQ.)

Speaking of Jason, his Leon Redbone act is getting a little old. He also plainly started smoking weed at way too early an age.

Syeshaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Oh, sorry, I fell asleep for a minute. Where was I?

Chikezie is kind of painful. Also, see my comments above about Beatles songs as country songs.

Ramiele is cute but she keeps picking bad songs (for her) and she dresses like J. Lo. (which, for me, is not a good thing).

Unrelatedly, Scooter Libby has been disbarred. Couldn't have happened to a nicer dickhead.

Posted by jwb at 11:30 AM   


Blogger Marty said:

Hey John,

Haven't seen any Canadian content recently, though I though I would point out the 'fractal theory of Canada':

Actually, it seem a little more like an algebraic theory of Canada, but whatever. Given the formulation presented in that article, would could say that Canadian Human Rights Act is the Canada to the UN Declaration of Human Rights; or, UN (DoHR) = CHRA

Don't know anything about the Canadian Human Rights Act, you say. No problem, here is a recent example of its implementation by the Canadian Human Rights Commission, the government body charged with enforcing the CHRA, as described by Jonathan Kay:

A much more amusing take on the situation is, of course, provided by Mark Steyn:

Sorry John, I know how much you dislike Steyn, but it really is worth a read, if only for its comic value.
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