Friday, February 09, 2007
Democracy, whisky, sexy
Aside from a little ocasional cursing, we usually run a pretty clean ship here at jwbblog. However, here's our first ever all-sex post. (I know. It's a little brief. We'll try to do better next time.)
1. Check out
this entertaining and funny essay on the cultural phenomenon that is Playboy magazine, now celebrating its golden anniversary. He makes the nice point that, yes, Playboy was pretentious in an easily mockable way--lets invite some babes over for some cocktails and quiet conversation about "Picasso, Nietzsche, jazz, sex"--but such pretension--and the fantasies it gave rise to--seems vastly superior to the .... err ... lifestlye protrayed in Playboy's contemporaries, such as FHM, Maxim, and the like.
2. Breaking news: Sex in space--
Not so great!
I'll just comment that it's a bit of a disapointment to find most of one's childhood fantasies--The Playboy lifestyle is mostly fiction? Those sex scenes in Moonraker were phony? No!--obliterated in a few minutes of reading!