Monday, October 30, 2006

Odds and Ends

1. Note to self: Stop putting naked pictures of myself in the trash. (More here.)

2. The best explanation yet for why Studio 60 is doing so poorly. As Golden Fiddle puts it,
Sting + anything = cancellation/death/disaster/fiasco/Dune.

Ouch! Bringing up Dune is really vicious.

3. I have a lot of work to do. Via the Guardian, twenty paintings to see before you die. I'm ashamed to say that I've seen exactly one of these (Raphael's "School of Athens," in the Vatican). (Via Crooked Timber.)

4. Alan Wolfe--my sometime professor--reviews David Kuo's new book (mentioned in the last post) in TNR. Poor David. It's not a pretty sight (though worth reading if you've thought about the role of religion in American politics). Here's a nice line that helps explain why Catholics aren't (usually) naive about government: "Catholics have had seventeen hundred years of direct involvement with government: they are not easily surprised by political power and how it works."

5. Gawker (out of context): "We do, theoretically, have a schedule...but sticking to it would involve, you know, getting our act together and subscribing to that bullshit some people call 'deadlines'." Um, no comment.

Posted by jwb at 4:10 PM   


Blogger jwb said:

I agree. These things tend to be very arbitrary.

We're looking forward to seeing you guys at Thanksgiving.
at 6:12 AM     

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