Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Odds and Ends

I don't really have the time or energy this week to do any long-form ranting about any of our favorite topics. These'll have to do:

1. Doesn't the Religious Right have better things to do--you know, like fighting godless communism and abortion--than picking fights with wine snobs. If you really believe that teenagers will order wine over the Internet, you are either a lobbyist for the wine distributors or you have never met an actual teenager. STOP IT NOW!!! (This involves a controversy in Florida, but nicely encapsulate things that are going on all over the country. This editorial from a local paper nicely captures what is really going on--hardball interest group politics.) (Via Fermentations.)

2. Tom Delay: The media is insulting our intelligence once again. This has nothing to do with his reelection campaign having gotten so "nasty." (This is the guy known as "The Hammer," after all.) It has far more to do with the fact that his lawyers have told him that he better start paying more attention to his defense in several criminal matters if he doesn't want to spend the next several decades in federal prison. Also, Delay is making a big deal about how modest his lifestyle is. Don't believe a word of it. (Click here for more.)

3. Andy Card: Word on the street is that he's pondering running for governor of our fair state. Good luck, piss boy. This article from The New Republic shows that he was basically Dubya's punching bag. He will surely go down in history as one of the least consequential WH Chief of Staffs ever. I love the "cheeseburger story"--which nicely demonstrates both what a pussy Card is and Bush's strange need to humiliate those who work for him.

4. American Idol: I'm a little bored with Idol. Not quite sure why. I had Lisa in our AI pool. Early on, I thought she was going to be really strong, but once they got to the top 12, she never really did anything to stand out. I think she's probably fortunate that she made it this far. Our friend Wulf has said that she thinks it's a year for the guys, and that seems right to me. Chris is the most interesting person left--with Tyler in a close second--though I agree with Simon that he needs to show some more flexibility in the next few weeks. (The Creed song was a poor choice.) In other Idol news, Kelly Pickler is oddly alluring in her cheesy prom dress here. More distressingly, Katherine McPhee may be a Scientologist. (Both stories from Tyler Durden.)

Posted by jwb at 11:07 AM   


Anonymous Anonymous said:

What, exactly, do they put in the water in Jamaica Plain (or most of Mass for that matter)? John - I'll continue to read the blog if you seriously answer the following question: Why is the US in Iraq? Please don't throw out some "Bush is the devil" scripted answer.
at 6:50 AM     

Blogger menna said:

شركة مكافحة بق الفراش دبي
شركة مكافحة الفئران دبي

at 5:42 PM     

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