Friday, December 01, 2006
Bloggety blog blog
Apologies for the lack of posting this week. We have had quite a lot of drama in our lives of late and none of it, alas, at the movie theater. My father ended up in the hospital on Thanksgiving. After a long and difficult week, he seems to be doing better and should be fine.
Anyway, in my last post, I promised to touch on a few controversial matters this week. I'll have to be brief, but here goes:
1. Every single person I know has seen Casino Royale, and the vast majority think it rocks. I keep hearing things like, "The best Bond film since Goldfinger." I'm not quite sure what that means since Goldfinger--or at least the second half of Goldfinger--sucks and is only redeemed by the beguiling presence of
the hottest Bond girl, Honor Blackman.* Try watching it with the sound off. Nothing happens. Bond doesn't get sawed in half, some gangsters get gassed, and Bond wrestles Pussy in a hay stack. And those are the action scenes. OK. I'll admit that the scene with Pussy in the barn is pretty cool, but the rest is kind of a snooze. So, um, where was I. Oh, sorry, got a little distracted. Back to the question that is, I'm sure, on everyone's minds: And the answer is, alas, no, I have not seen it. I feel really bad about this, but there were some extenuating circumstances. (See above.) I know that my readers are probably disappointed in me and I will make the following promise: If I don't see it by Christmas, I will turn in my official Bond Fan Club badge. I mean it. I really do.
Crikey. It appears that "The Good German" sucks even more than I feared. I'm starting to feel bad for Soderbergh. (One smart-ass asked him if he was trying to make a spoof of "The Third Man." Ouch!)
3. I want to clear up one last thing, in case there was any doubt. Yes, Golden Retriever puppies are really cute.
I'll try a bit harder next week. Seacrest out.
*BTW, Marty: Take another hit off the crack pipe. Sophie Marceau? (For our readers, I'll merely note that Marty is Canadian, if you know what I mean.)
I think I mentioned "The Good Shepherd" trailer below somewhere (when I commented that I'm beginning to think that Angelina Jolie isn't a very good actress). I thought it looked kind of interesting, and the effort to make the historical setting come alive seemed less contrived (for lack of a better word) than in "The Good German."
At some point, I may have to go see some of these movies I've been talking about.
New puppy arrived on Saturday. I'll try to blog about him a bit tomorrow, if I have time. Very tired at the moment. Can't imagine what bringing a newborn baby must be like.
at 12:18 PM