Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Idol blogging

It's the last week of Idol. So what did ya think?

Speaking only for myself, I was rooting for Katherine, but I don't think she did what she needed to do. I'd be a bit suprised if Taylor wasn't annointed the new American Idol tonight.

I've thought for a while that one of Katherine's problems is song choice--she seems to pick a lot of songs that have too many lower-register parts that don't suit her and not enough soaring, operatic parts that would blow the roof off of the place. (Carrie, last year, was a master of picking those kinds of songs.) She seemed to stick with that pattern last night. Her first song was a little too subdued for the occasion. While everyone else seemed to love her rendition of "Under the Rainbow," I thought it was a little weak. And she got completely screwed (so to speak) by the AI people because her final song--her "first single"--was very disapointing. And I'm not sure I really agree with Randy that the song sucked but she was good. I don't think she was very good.

Anyway, you may recall that--some weeks ago--I posted the top 6 predictions, that Jenn, our friend Jen, and I put together while in New York for Shannon's show. I thought I was a shoe-in until Chris Daughtry got bounced. But I was mistaken. It looks like Jenn's crystal ball was the clearest. She was the only one of us who got two of the top three correct (Katherine and Taylor) and she predicts a win or Taylor (though we'll see about that). Jen is a clear runner-up with only one of the top three correct but with Taylor winning (though, again, we'll see). My predictions are a little too depressing to revisit, so I won't.

Seacrest out.

Posted by jwb at 6:55 AM   


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