Monday, September 10, 2007

Why doesn't Short Round call?

So the New York Times has this glossy real-estate section on Sunday. I see that there's this article about an apartment building in San Diego in which young people hang out with each other and, like, sometimes date each other and such. This is all presented as some sort of revelation, which makes me think the writer is unfamilar with a little show called "Melrose Place." Just sayin'.

In any case, one of the residents of the building is a young woman named Bethann Barry--no relation to me, so far as I know. I think to myself, "Jenn's cousin Tony dates a girl named Bethann Barry. Must be a coincidence." But then I turn the page and find a photograph of Bethann Barry's fridge, prominently featured upon which are several pictures of her boyfriend, better known to us as cousin Tony, which I thought was pretty cool. Tony, who is in the Navy, is in Iraq (or thereabouts) shooting at bad guys. Good luck, Tony!

Unrelatedly, methinks that the title of the new Indy flick--"Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"--has too many words in it. Matthew Duss, at TAPPED, has some additional comments:
I can only suspect that the plot of the movie involves the getting of said skull. I must admit I'm still quite bitter about my own script being rejected. I think "Indiana Jones and the Search for Tenure" dealt with some important questions raised by the first three films, such as: With all of his swinging around in temples and shooting Nazis and being dragged behind trucks, when did he find time to publish? Surely Jones' global adventuring on the History Department's dime made him some enemies in the administration? Think about it: The Ark's in a government warehouse, the Shankara Stone he gave back to the village, and the Grail fell down a big crack in the temple floor. What does Jones have to show for all his time away, other than enormous expense reports, various scars, and a thousand-yard stare?

More here.

UPDATE: A reader at TAPPED points us to Indy's Tenure Bid Denial Letter (at McSweeney's).

Posted by jwb at 12:34 PM   


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