Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Other than that, he's alright

1. So the Beckhams have arrived in America. I'm more interested in David than Victoria--and in David's exploits on the pitch rather than how hot he looks in a sarong--but Jenn made me watch the special about Victoria the other night on NBC and, I've got to admit, she's far more self-aware and funny than I ever would have guessed. Who knew? We should get our first look at Becks on Saturday when LA plays Chelsea. I'll admit to harboring no illusions about Beckham being the savior of American soccer (whatever that might mean), but, when he plays well, he is fun to watch. There's an entertaining debate of sorts going on at The New Republic--home of soccer dorks who also write about politics--on this very topic between Aleksandar Hemon ("Why David Beckham Sucks") and Alex Massie ("The Case for David Beckham"). Hemon's piece is more entertaining, but I think Massie wins the day.

2. In other sporting news, have you been watching the Tour day France? I have, though I'll admit to having some trouble getting in to it early on. (The Floyd Landis scandal, regardless of whether he cheated, has been dispiriting.) But I've been getting more into it as the race has gone on. It's still pretty wide open and promises to be pretty exciting right up until the end. I wish I could root for Levi Leipheimer, but he hasn't got much personality. I have a suspicion tha Andreas Kloden is going to take off in one of the stages in the Pyreneas and may arrive in Paris in the lead.

3. Speaking of Canada, there's a delightful essay in today's Times by one Will Ferguson about how Conrad Black's former countrymen feel about his recent conviction for various dastardly deeds. I say "former" because Lord Black--as he will soon be known by his fellow inmates in what I'm sure will be a very luxurious English prison--renounced his Canadian citizenship so that he could become a member of the British House of Lords. He's now trying to get it back so he can serve his time in a Canadian prison. Needless to say, but Canadians don't seem to have much sympathy for Mr. Black. (As Mr. Ferguson says, "there is nothing so frighteningly passive-aggressive as a well-irked Canadian.") In closing, I'll note that I usually don't by books with the word "dummies" in the title, but I may have to make an exception for Mr. Ferguson's "Canadian History for Dummies."

4. How marriage is like--and not like--tape.

5. As a kid, I loved "Excalibur" and have been disappointed with more recent efforts to do justice to the King Arthur story (especially this one). Don't you think it's about time we had a decent update on the King Arthur story? Is this it? I'm not so sure--though it seems promising.

That's it for now. More anon.

Posted by jwb at 2:46 PM   


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hey. The other night I dropped into the Wheaton "Friends of the Library" shop in the basement of the Wheaton branch of the Montgomery County library, to drop off some donations.

On the shelf was a decent hardback copy of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, for $1.50. So I bought it, on your past recommendation.
at 7:49 AM     

Blogger Bram said:

1. Updated Camelot? I got your updated Camelot right here. It was awesome in the early 80s.

1.1 Raph, I'm disappointed you didn't point this out.

1.2. I'm disturbed that you were an Excalibur fan as an adolescent.

1.3 Cripes, it's been probably close to 20 years, but I'm remembering Firelord (recommended by M_.) as one of the best reinterpretations. "It was a grand time," somehow sticks in my head.

2. I have the first edition, hardcover copy of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, after hearing so much about it and adding it to my Xmas list. I think I got about 3200 pages into it before losing interest.
at 7:25 PM     

Blogger Marty said:

Okay, first things first: don't hold your breath waiting for Conrad Black to do hard time in an English prison. I remain confidant that Lord Black will be vindicated on appeal. For a front row seat to the travesty of justice that was his trial, I refer to you exhibit A:

Second, it is my firm belief that no man with a daughter as hot as that of Lord Black's could be guilty of the offenses with which he was charged. In this respect, I refer to you to exhibit B (aka Alana Black):

I rest my case. Verdict anyone?
at 7:42 PM     

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